
Top passwords by number of abuses
Top passwords by number of abuses
1. 666666 1274144
2. 6645 1273998
3. a1b2c3 1272452
4. P@ssw0rd123 1177881
5. admin@2017 1133122
6. a1b2c3d4 309633
7. 555555 57708
8. 123456 51992
9. 123 26353
10. 1234 25413
11. password 24986
12. 1234567 15148
13. 159357 14153
14. 888888 14038
15. 123321 13967
16. 11111111 13311
17. 123456a 13273
18. 123654 13271
19. 123456abc 13175
20. 123456qwe 12879
21. 123456asd 12875
22. 741852 12874
23. 520520 12874
24. 456456 12874
25. 134669 12874
26. 333666 12874
27. 963852 12873
28. 781852 12873
29. Aa123456 11321
30. test 9355
Top usernames by number of abuses
1. root 722375
2. admin 39108
3. testing 32056
4. marketing 30679
5. david 29639
6. billing 28529
7. test 25138
8. tech 24485
9. info1 23132
10. monitor 22801
11. fax 22699
12. mailtest 22392
13. comercial 22160
14. shared 22148
15. user 17905
16. ftp 17147
17. web 14899
18. anonymous 14812
19. guest 14290
20. admin01 13840
21. data 13327
22. postmaster 13279
23. test1 13236
24. postgres 13114
25. backup 12907
26. ftpuser 12657
27. support 11971
28. oracle 11708
29. sales 11432
30. webmaster 11265
Top username / password combinations by number of abuses
1. root admin 3356
2. admin password 2233
3. root adminHW 2105
4. root 666666 1902
5. admin admin 1813
6. root xc3511 1608
7. root 1234 1605
8. tech tech 1591
9. root P@ssw0rd123 1577
10. root a1b2c3 1568
11. root a1b2c3d4 1564
12. testing testing 1418
13. testing 123456 1418
14. monitor monitor 1413
15. monitor 123456 1408
16. admin 666666 1368
17. www 666666 1347
18. user 666666 1346
19. anonymous 666666 1345
20. ftp 666666 1343
21. web 666666 1341
22. data 666666 1337
23. postmaster P@ssw0rd123 1284
24. anita admin@2017 1284
25. curtis admin@2017 1284
26. croach admin@2017 1284
27. adm 666666 1284
28. emma 6645 1284
29. hans admin@2017 1284
30. chelsea admin@2017 1284