
Top passwords by number of abuses
Top passwords by number of abuses
1. P@$$w0rd 1048039
2. qwe123!@# 1046586
3. admin123# 683943
4. root123!@# 639788
5. 1qaz2wsx 350263
6. baseball 347469
7. 1q2w3e4r5t6y 347152
8. abcd1234 296768
9. 111111 102765
10. 123456 72918
11. admin 26837
12. email01 22481
13. email02 22329
14. 1234 21834
15. email03 21245
16. 123 14171
17. 12345 10408
18. password 8882
19. 1 6859
20. office 6138
21. work 6065
22. uk 5785
23. spain 5785
24. italy 5785
25. war 5785
26. bulgaria 5785
27. germany 5785
28. turkey 5785
29. ww2 5785
30. france 5785
Top usernames by number of abuses
1. root 406776
2. admin 58206
3. user 17981
4. test 16777
5. guest 14597
6. service 14067
7. backup 13484
8. office 13358
9. manager 12353
10. inquiry 12165
11. webmaster 12078
12. network 11825
13. operator 11429
14. support 10920
15. test1 10591
16. sales 10461
17. mail 10418
18. web 9421
19. ftp 9401
20. external 9350
21. temp 9275
22. client 9216
23. public 9202
24. info 9186
25. anonymous 9177
26. demo 9018
27. test2 8907
28. oracle 8893
29. postmaster 8774
30. main 8244
Top username / password combinations by number of abuses
1. root admin 18826
2. admin admin 5483
3. root root 3914
4. inquiry abcd1234 2815
5. inquiry 1q2w3e4r5t6y 2808
6. inquiry 1qaz2wsx 2806
7. inquiry baseball 2804
8. alerts 1qaz2wsx 1915
9. external 111111 1876
10. external 1q2w3e4r5t6y 1874
11. alerts baseball 1873
12. webmaster 1qaz2wsx 1872
13. alerts 111111 1872
14. alerts 1q2w3e4r5t6y 1871
15. external baseball 1869
16. webmaster 111111 1868
17. webmaster 1q2w3e4r5t6y 1868
18. external abcd1234 1866
19. external 1qaz2wsx 1864
20. webmaster baseball 1863
21. GET / HTTP/1.0 Host: 127.0... 1607
22. User-Agent:... Connection:... 1606
23. root 1234 1508
24. root qwe123!@# 1218
25. root admin123# 1207
26. root P@$$w0rd 1207
27. root 111111 1155
28. admin 111111 1154
29. root 1qaz2wsx 1148
30. user 111111 1144