
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 55795515
2.   CN 8178006
3.   US 7553966
4.   JP 4663886
5.   DE 4600693
6.   RU 3459201
7.   SG 2903833
8.   HK 2521196
9.   IN 2265553
10.   GB 1950338
11.   FR 1295613
12.   BD 1146203
13.   PL 1089604
14.   BR 1052749
15.   RO 1000404
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 705795
2. 1234 285389
3. 123 240037
4. 12345 220351
5. admin 211832
6. password 191797
7. 1qaz@WSX 159314
8. 12345678 146814
9. 123456789 137713
10. 1234567890 134866
11. admin123 127492
12. 123qwe 122674
13. 1qaz2wsx 118996
14. 1 115102
15. Password1 114733