
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   NL 47119281
2.   RO 36396165
3.   SG 8049233
4.   US 7921551
5.   CN 7080965
6.   DE 4519989
7.   HK 4450952
8.   BG 2825718
9.   RU 2655755
10.   GB 2605626
11.   IN 1175554
12.   BD 1093148
13.   CH 936979
14.   VN 911592
15.   KR 883181
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 1901502
2. P@ssw0rd 1513569
3. admin@123 1237186
4. 1qaz@WSX 1230260
5. Admin123!@# 1195493
6. 123qwe!@# 1192228
7. root@123 1077584
8. root123!@# 1060966
9. qwe123!@# 1053151
10. P@$$w0rd 972616
11. password 593238
12. test 557353
13. 1q2w3e4r 505864
14. password123 472023
15. admin123456 447395