
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 4446874916
2.   NL 959202286
3.   IR 654597327
4.   CN 374381864
5.   US 285886658
6.   LT 242865971
7.   DE 144207034
8.   RU 93293019
9.   SG 88219838
10.   IN 80301167
11.   HK 77118860
12.   KR 76880828
13.   GB 72612262
14.   TW 68216230
15.   BG 58538751
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 107851584
2. password 98542057
3. 1qaz2wsx 71970061
4. p@ssw0rd 53100080
5. 123 47945919
6. 123456789 41579037
7. 12345 37953568
8. admin 37629776
9. test 36037781
10. 1234567890 31580647
11. 1 30103146
12. 123123 29228901
13. root 27758287
14. 1234 26145064
15. abc123 26096411