
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 6267752014
2.   NL 1000169822
3.   IR 657143493
4.   LT 493024809
5.   CN 398246246
6.   US 293329935
7.   DE 134086234
8.   RU 106259363
9.   BG 88618597
10.   KR 82482641
11.   SG 80351255
12.   IN 75176304
13.   GB 73971320
14.   HK 68112683
15.   TW 47109351
Most abused passwords
1. password 143328083
2. 123456 132860569
3. 1qaz2wsx 92899125
4. P@ssw0rd 81034511
5. p@ssw0rd 73542826
6. 12345 62723723
7. 123 49684099
8. 123456789 42131567
9. admin 41359952
10. test 37017550
11. 1234567890 32759188
12. Password1 30864776
13. 1 30622213
14. 123123 30351960
15. root 29373322