
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 7829671896
2.   IR 1290997613
3.   DE 1167208544
4.   NL 603558882
5.   LT 493237943
6.   CN 323081599
7.   BG 305835803
8.   US 237290590
9.   RU 67348907
10.   KR 60687516
11.   SG 55100989
12.   VN 51380253
13.   IN 45485023
14.   MX 39251676
15.   GB 34307544
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 184603799
2. password 168990532
3. P@ssw0rd 132221728
4. p@ssw0rd 110482800
5. 1qaz2wsx 90629672
6. 12345 75111550
7. 123456789 54339060
8. 123 52935809
9. 1234567890 40148759
10. 111111 38929567
11. Password1 38267913
12. 1qaz@WSX 36364144
13. 1111 36354315
14. admin@123 35884611
15. 1234 34416825