
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   IR 30952759
2.   RO 20861666
3.   CN 646280
4.   US 605691
5.   NL 522019
6.   CA 323041
7.   DE 228979
8.   FR 195585
9.   RU 165550
10.   HK 123644
11.   IN 105586
12.   BG 75556
13.   KR 65294
14.   GB 56949
15.   VN 46786
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 1583539
2. 1234 1497140
3. password 1473225
4. 123 1456160
5. 123456789 1442734
6. 12345 1433577
7. 1234567890 1297347
8. 1 1274316
9. webmaster1 754726
10. webmaster123 748930
11. x1x2x3x4 744951
12. xerox 744294
13. zaq12wsx 743515
14. zaq1xsw2 741075
15. webmaster 627150