
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 1709688
2.   US 102869
3.   CN 93254
4.   DE 51721
5.   IN 42274
6.   TW 40282
7.   HK 39661
8.   SG 30013
9.   UA 26296
10.   KR 24795
11.   GB 23964
12.   CZ 14556
13.   RU 13027
14.   BD 10163
15.   VN 9614
Most abused passwords
1. 123456789 190408
2. 1q2w3e4r 47758
3. 123456 12715
4. 111111 3896
5. 1234 2585
6. admin 2413
7. password 2411
8. 12345 2311
9. P$ssword 2088
10. 654321 1971
11. 123 1952
12. P4$$w0rd 1632
13. P@ssw0rd 1497
14. P@$$w0rd123 1104
15. root 1016