
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 964181
2.   TW 118561
3.   CN 64386
4.   US 46688
5.   HK 38984
6.   PL 28337
7.   IN 23062
8.   SG 21349
9.   NG 20284
10.   KP 19572
11.   DE 18905
12.   CZ 18271
13.   GB 13972
14.   BR 10081
15.   KR 9742
Top incident types by recorded incidents
1. minipot_smtp login 564869
2. minipot_smtp connect 535351
3. minipot_telnet login 167614
4. minipot_telnet connect 129672
5. minipot_http connect 41099
6. minipot_http message 36811
7. minipot_ftp connect 21743
8. minipot_ftp login 15859
9. fwlogs small_port_... 11545
10. minipot_http login 1536
11. fwlogs big_port_scan 841
12. minipot_smtp invalid 502
13. minipot_http invalid 119
14. minipot_telnet invalid 104
Top countries by recorded incidents
Top traps by recorded incidents
Top actions by recorded incidents