
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 99436912
2.   US 12077165
3.   TW 11401315
4.   CN 9670931
5.   DE 8612500
6.   NL 5424614
7.   KN 4738729
8.   UA 4120475
9.   IN 4032971
10.   HK 3953020
11.   SG 3397874
12.   GB 2224615
13.   RU 2084854
14.   VN 1413671
15.   FR 1362206
Top incident types by recorded incidents
1. minipot_smtp login 61856921
2. minipot_smtp connect 59329988
3. minipot_telnet connect 25604333
4. minipot_telnet login 23364913
5. minipot_http connect 6350441
6. minipot_http message 5775690
7. minipot_ftp connect 4904612
8. minipot_ftp login 4381661
9. fwlogs small_port_... 1685025
10. minipot_http login 912446
11. fwlogs big_port_scan 184569
12. minipot_smtp invalid 154652
13. minipot_http invalid 57285
14. minipot_telnet invalid 9021
15. minipot_ftp invalid 346
Top countries by recorded incidents
Top traps by recorded incidents
Top actions by recorded incidents