Top passwords by number of abuses
Top passwords by number of abuses
1. | 123456 | 33467785 |
2. | password | 24789369 |
3. | admin | 23483321 |
4. | abc123 | 21833379 |
5. | root | 21155412 |
6. | 1qaz2wsx | 19520723 |
7. | test | 19476002 |
8. | 1q2w3e4r | 17873803 |
9. | P@ssw0rd | 16994469 |
10. | P@ssw0rd1234 | 12704519 |
11. | 123 | 9727459 |
12. | qwerty | 7573786 |
13. | 12345 | 6934104 |
14. | 1234 | 6778231 |
15. | 111111 | 6739678 |
16. | 1 | 6292580 |
17. | 1234567890 | 6077361 |
18. | 1qaz@WSX | 5775622 |
19. | 000000 | 5485401 |
20. | 123123 | 5471351 |
21. | 123321 | 5397044 |
22. | user1 | 5210857 |
23. | 112233 | 5193663 |
24. | 1a2b3c | 4914822 |
25. | 1111 | 4576364 |
26. | admin@123 | 4482076 |
27. | 123qwe | 4452802 |
28. | 666666 | 4345875 |
29. | user123 | 3935730 |
30. | 12345678 | 3898125 |
Top usernames by number of abuses
1. | root | 150970290 |
2. | admin | 14482232 |
3. | test | 4916735 |
4. | user | 3787821 |
5. | support | 3101396 |
6. | info | 3100363 |
7. | guest | 2965016 |
8. | postmaster | 2652233 |
9. | sales | 2453345 |
10. | webmaster | 2392185 |
11. | data | 2382834 |
12. | backup | 2230742 |
13. | ftp | 2210879 |
14. | 2125500 | |
15. | office | 1992631 |
16. | web | 1921574 |
17. | postgres | 1908503 |
18. | account | 1852418 |
19. | service | 1814009 |
20. | ftpuser | 1796080 |
21. | anonymous | 1782451 |
22. | contact | 1733898 |
23. | news | 1729246 |
24. | manager | 1719479 |
25. | test1 | 1709618 |
26. | abuse | 1654754 |
27. | tester | 1626299 |
28. | newsletter | 1619074 |
29. | www | 1559325 |
30. | order | 1486690 |
Top username / password combinations by number of abuses
1. | root | admin | 2025614 |
2. | root | xc3511 | 1487425 |
3. | admin | admin | 972578 |
4. | root | Pon521 | 753838 |
5. | root | root621 | 728022 |
6. | root | a1sev5y7c39k | 726848 |
7. | root | swsbzkgn | 725936 |
8. | root | vizxv | 687402 |
9. | root | root | 558079 |
10. | root | 123456 | 553044 |
11. | support | support | 535341 |
12. | root | 888888 | 529693 |
13. | root | 54321 | 455485 |
14. | root | default | 454630 |
15. | admin | password | 450552 |
16. | root | 12345 | 431560 |
17. | root | juantech | 395227 |
18. | root | xmhdipc | 394349 |
19. | user | user | 365504 |
20. | CUAdmin | CUAdmin | 351778 |
21. | e8ehome1 | e8ehome1 | 349110 |
22. | root | tsgoingon | 328139 |
23. | root | pass | 323096 |
24. | root | anko | 318630 |
25. | admin | 123456 | 316147 |
26. | admin | 1234 | 312811 |
27. | root | 1111 | 311585 |
28. | root | 1234 | 301274 |
29. | hikvision | hikvision | 293049 |
30. | admin | hikvision | 290402 |