
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 689040613
2.   IR 289136617
3.   CN 19511719
4.   NL 14340670
5.   US 13638461
6.   CA 6793215
7.   FR 5397074
8.   DE 4297699
9.   RU 3124039
10.   IN 3059544
11.   BG 2823380
12.   SG 2686530
13.   KR 2220252
14.   HK 2011121
15.   GB 1932025
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 23562767
2. password 23476033
3. 123456789 22381628
4. 123 16697660
5. 12345 10028239
6. 1234567890 9761747
7. 1234 9666061
8. 1 9531074
9. 12345678 2144198
10. 1234567 2097120
11. 123qwe 1886129
12. 123123 1860153
13. 1q2w3e4r 1812271
14. abc123 1795867
15. 111111 1790813