
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 932653
2.   CN 28679
3.   NL 22545
4.   CA 19771
5.   DE 15004
6.   US 14890
7.   IL 5860
8.   IN 4539
9.   GB 4098
10.   VN 3979
11.   RS 3886
12.   FR 2952
13.   BG 2773
14.   UA 2722
15.   TW 2298
Most abused passwords
1. admin123 240920
2. qwerty12 87135
3. !q2w3e4r 81405
4. Windows1 34173
5. 123 2506
6. 12345 1260
7. 123456 1029
8. 1234 950
9. root 890
10. adminHW 728
11. p@ssw0rd@12 715
12. 1q2w3e4r 660
13. 123qwe 659
14. 123123 617
15. 1qaz2wsx 611