
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 29508358
2.   IR 15583909
3.   BG 7502935
4.   CN 2999523
5.   TW 2435455
6.   US 2085153
7.   SG 1406376
8.   HK 1277871
9.   NL 1217926
10.   IN 1192545
11.   DE 1144819
12.   VN 885048
13.   GB 657230
14.   BR 582648
15.   FR 551489
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 3182893
2. 12345 464441
3. 123123 446688
4. user 354292
5. test123 346432
6. tester 343141
7. test1 342920
8. test2 338275
9. testing 336218
10. nobody 331146
11. test4 329405
12. test3 328462
13. webadmin 324563
14. oracle 317343
15. webmaster 315351