
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 923679
2.   US 45080
3.   CN 26151
4.   CA 19249
5.   NL 18599
6.   DE 7725
7.   IN 5597
8.   RU 4044
9.   GB 3931
10.   BG 3879
11.   VN 2684
12.   CH 2428
13.   HK 2191
14.   ES 2143
15.   BR 2024
Most abused passwords
1. P@ssw0rd12 163581
2. passwordAAA 84902
3. p@ssw0rd123 74797
4. passwordaa1 69738
5. passwordabc 43865
6. 1qaz1qaz 2370
7. 0000 2007
8. 123456 1550
9. password 1042
10. 123 970
11. 12345 825
12. %password% 732
13. 1234 669
14. @dm1n1strat0r 656
15. @dm1n1strator1 656