
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 680058456
2.   IR 175973701
3.   CN 20755538
4.   US 14187698
5.   NL 13970919
6.   CA 9471948
7.   FR 4885226
8.   DE 4805311
9.   RU 3572527
10.   IN 3426673
11.   BG 3075704
12.   SG 2725449
13.   HK 2043104
14.   GB 1930438
15.   VN 1714497
Most abused passwords
1. password 12174345
2. 123456 10719216
3. 123456789 9509983
4. 12345 9086169
5. 123 9034729
6. 1234 8744386
7. 1234567890 8726706
8. 1 8532467
9. admin 2149861
10. password1 1757585
11. info 1643879
12. admin1 1625149
13. admin123 1622115
14. p@55w0rd 1620562
15. default 1598779