
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 22171491
2.   CN 783736
3.   US 563439
4.   DE 467893
5.   NL 459751
6.   CA 433909
7.   BG 173882
8.   IN 153823
9.   FR 107752
10.   RU 96890
11.   CH 95102
12.   GB 85575
13.   GR 74215
14.   BR 71966
15.   HK 69547
Most abused passwords
1. Pa$$word 695640
2. Pa$$word1 685621
3. p@ssw0rd 617888
4. postmaster 603997
5. pr 601026
6. postmaster123 601009
7. pr123 597840
8. prova 597708
9. p@ssw0rd!@ 597329
10. Pa$$w0rd1 240594
11. P@ssw0rd 112589
12. Pa55word 94603
13. P@$$vord 85260
14. P@$$worD 85222
15. P@$$123456 85219