
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 8157962839
2.   IR 2363024988
3.   DE 1146197352
4.   LT 700474788
5.   BG 414814571
6.   CN 272117400
7.   US 238868304
8.   NL 215753421
9.   MX 122308863
10.   RU 57991009
11.   VN 50794115
12.   PE 44240140
13.   KR 37928659
14.   SG 36497961
15.   GB 36053102
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 273485802
2. password 170674414
3. P@ssw0rd 123334025
4. 12345 114043612
5. 123456789 97145757
6. 1234 89578223
7. 123 89454807
8. p@ssw0rd 83669927
9. 1qaz2wsx 61577929
10. 1234567890 54229339
11. 12345678 52639330
12. Password1 39312637
13. 111111 38333748
14. 1qaz@WSX 35590672
15. admin@123 33298510