
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 7967268717
2.   IR 2548073964
3.   DE 1145366681
4.   LT 794762558
5.   BG 494511153
6.   CN 275872114
7.   US 256167996
8.   NL 210659195
9.   MX 142726785
10.   RU 57894516
11.   VN 50555041
12.   PE 49425239
13.   HK 46712466
14.   GB 40714164
15.   KR 38140611
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 309130648
2. password 168667174
3. P@ssw0rd 123952733
4. 12345 117531239
5. 123 101144905
6. 1234 93288209
7. 123456789 92649388
8. p@ssw0rd 83668084
9. 1qaz@WSX 69166264
10. 1qaz2wsx 61870699
11. 12345678 52875240
12. 1234567890 49559711
13. Password1 39786535
14. 111111 38685915
15. admin@123 33532562