
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 658198699
2.   IR 187742616
3.   CN 18368596
4.   NL 12994768
5.   US 12942311
6.   FR 6224657
7.   CA 4957352
8.   SG 4216087
9.   DE 3849469
10.   KR 3599625
11.   IN 2787923
12.   RU 2660601
13.   BG 2632338
14.   GB 1974724
15.   VN 1679396
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 18555811
2. 123456789 17280983
3. password 17172389
4. 123 11543105
5. 12345 4973857
6. 1234 4829995
7. 1234567890 4447425
8. 1 4208014
9. admin 1697000
10. 12345678 1497524
11. 1234567 1440107
12. 123qwe 1258119
13. 123123 1232790
14. admin123 1200570
15. 1q2w3e4r 1197965