
Number of unique attackers during the time
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   RO 2000356271
2.   LT 287658735
3.   IR 147717727
4.   NL 90570667
5.   CN 66843350
6.   US 43020354
7.   FR 15360469
8.   DE 14766257
9.   RU 13095292
10.   KR 11596570
11.   SG 10425864
12.   TW 9325288
13.   CA 7870910
14.   IN 7729012
15.   PL 5793636
Most abused passwords
1. 123456 56501243
2. password 38952498
3. 1qaz2wsx 35842332
4. 12345 29259512
5. 123123 20260556
6. p@ssw0rd 19803320
7. 123456789 16774829
8. 123 12429880
9. admin 6020273
10. 1234 5983568
11. 1234567890 4083344
12. 12345678 3165674
13. 1 2951686
14. root 2917822
15. 1234567 2782717