
Number of recorded incidents during the time
Top countries by recorded incidents
1.   US 3667865
2.   RO 3160675
3.   CN 2907738
4.   TW 2884380
5.   DE 1531871
6.   IN 1447191
7.   HK 1441527
8.   UA 1063846
9.   RU 1020763
10.   NL 848530
11.   SG 762036
12.   GB 644366
13.   BD 501531
14.   KR 376999
15.   BE 359669
Top incident types by recorded incidents
1. minipot_telnet connect 8740875
2. minipot_telnet login 7749833
3. minipot_smtp login 4475621
4. minipot_smtp connect 4131641
5. minipot_http connect 2335723
6. minipot_http message 2091136
7. minipot_ftp connect 710846
8. minipot_ftp login 514892
9. fwlogs small_port_... 353049
10. minipot_http login 241697
11. fwlogs big_port_scan 39238
12. minipot_smtp invalid 33873
13. minipot_http invalid 22664
14. minipot_telnet invalid 2663
15. minipot_ftp invalid 7
Top countries by recorded incidents
Top traps by recorded incidents
Top actions by recorded incidents